Date: Saturday, 26.06.2021
Begin: 8 p.m.
Venue: Kaisersaal in Historisches Kaufhaus Freiburg
Münsterplatz 24, 79098 Freiburg
Welcoming speech: Representative of the Japanese General Consulate Munich (planned)
Joseph Haydn (1732-1809): Sonata no 31 A flat major, Hob. XVI: 46
Claude Debussy (1862-1918): Images II
Leoš Janáček (1854-1928): Sonate 1.X.1905 ("From the street")
- Intermission -
Richard Wager (1813-1883) / Zoltán Kocsis (1952 -2016):
Tristan und Isolde, Prelude to the first act
Miku Arizono (*1993):
- Kizashi (兆し "Omen", 2020)
- Meguru ( 巡る "Vortex", 2019)
Franz Liszt (1811-1886): Ballade no. 2 in b minor
Richard Wagner / Franz Liszt: Isoldes Liebestod
Miku Arizono 有薗美空, piano
Venue: Kaisersaal in Historischen Kaufhaus Freiburg
Münsterplatz 24, 79098 Freiburg
Begin: Saturday, 26.06.2021, 8 p.m (entry from 7:20 onwards)
Tickets for this event can be purchased via online ticket shop below or alternatively at the box office. The number of seats is limited to 100 due to current restrictions (as of June 1st 2021).
Therefore an online-purchase is highly recommended in order to ensure a seat.
The complete revenue of this concert is completely designated for the benefit of the artist and for the of continuation of this petite but fine concert series
In accordance with the current Corona regulation of the State Baden-Württemberg admission to the concerts is permitted with a up-to-date (same day) negative SARS-COV2 test certificate, a vaccination certificate or a certificate of revocery. Further more tests will be offered on site in front of the concert hall up to a limited number (10 pieces).
Test centers Freiburg:
Recommended: Test center in Konzerthaus Freiburg (Link), (appointment needed, Saturdays from 08:30 - 16:00)
Recommended: Test center Waldsee (Link) (appointment needed, Saturdays from 10:00 - 18:00)
It is a great fortune for the House of Culture Freiburg to welcome Freiburg based Miku Arizono, one of the best aspiring pianists and composers of the younger generation who will give her debut in the Kaisersaal Freiburg with a progressive and unconventional programme in which she presents herself both as pianist and composer.
The extraordinarily virtuosic garlands and ornaments in Haydn's wonderful Sonata no. 31 in A flat major presented as opening work of this recital covers a certain profundity and melancholy which can be observed in many of Haydn's works and which is in contrast to his distinctive humour being present as well.
An absolutely novel tonal language can be experienced in Debussy's Images (part 2) whose pictorial associations reach from sounds of bells shining through leaves („Cloches à travers les feuilles“), longing moonlight scenes at vanished temples („Et la lune descend sur le temple qui fut“) until vortex of golden fishes („Poissons d’or“) and which represent a diverse development of an expressive dynamic at the begin of the 20th century.
Sinister sounds full of death associations in Leoš Janáček's originally 3-movement sonata 1.X.1905 ("From the Street") whose 3rd movement was burnt by the composer in an eruption of self-criticism are a mirror of current social eruptions and distortions. The remaining 2 movements which actually had beed destroyed by the composer as well and could be preserved just by chance portray a contemplative monument of contemporary history.
Highly complex Tristan harmonics of Richard Wagner's opera "Tristan und Isolde" in the rarely performed transcription by Hungarian pianist Zoltán Kocsis open the very unconventional second half of the concert.
Liszt's sinister and diabolic chromatics and explosiveness, but also lyrics of his Second Ballada is prepared by 2 very special works:
For the House of Culture Freiburg it is a novelty to be able to gaze at a piano recital in which also own compositions of the pianist are being presented, reflecting concerts of tempi passati such as those by Franz Liszt and Richard Wagner. Besides the premiere of the piece Kizashi (兆し"Omen") which has been finished at end of 2020 the audience can experience the work Meguru (巡る "vortex") which is a multilayered and highly complex tableau of sounds. This work reflects the detonation of traditional tonality which is already indicated in Liszt and Wagner and strives towards eruptions and polyrhythms of a new kind of expression.
The transcription by Franz Liszt of "Isoldes Liebestod" from Tristan and Isolde closes the sinister thematic circle of this recital reflecting death as only way out of grief (of love) and salvation. A music mirroring the latests happenings and suddenly being of systemic importance like never before.
Sounds out of a time when music was not rated based on the aspect of systemic relevance but furthermore was regarded as what it is: a reflection of life with all its distortions and inner conflicts and as absolutely relevant for life.
Tickets for this wonderful recital, taking place on Saturday, 26th June 2021 at 8 p.m. (admission from 7:20 p.m.) can be purchased in advance via the ticket shop seen below and at the box office on the day of the recital. The number of seats is limited to 100 due to current restrictions (as of June 1st 2021). Therefore an online-purchase is highly recommended in order to ensure a seat.
Sunday, 26.06.2021, 8 p.m. (entry from 7:20 p.m onwards)
25,00 €
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Haus der Kultur Freiburg e.V.
79238 Ehrenkirchen
VR 702848 (Amtsgericht Freiburg)
Sitz: Freiburg im Breisgau
Tel.: 01525 1312634
IBAN: DE74 6805 0101 0014 0557 59
Sparkasse Freiburg-Nördlicher Breisgau