Soirées Musicales: no. 8 in Breisach am Rhein

Venue: Spitalkirche

Marienau 1, 79206 Breisach am Rhein


Saturday, 06.07.2024, 7 p.m.

An open and free musical gathering in the style of a »Jam-Session«

Finally it is time again to make music out of the moment.


We host the »Soirée Musicale« on July 6th 2024 in Breisach am Rhein after the big international success of this free format. House of Culture  pursues new paths by hosting the the Musical Soirée and widens its sphere of actions to Breisach am Rhein by this new activity in parallel to the organisation of high-quality concerts.


The musical soiree: A simple idea which is well-known and wide-spread in the area of Jazz music and world music but which unfortunately has been neglected more and more in the area of European classical music.


Enthusiasts for music and arts come together for a free musical gathering. There is no separation between audience and musicians. Everyone who likes is warmly welcome to contribute with musical or other artistic performances. Bringing own instruments is highly appreciated, a nice Bösendorfer grand piano is available in the venue.


Also who only likes to listen is welcome and is an important part of the musical soiree. There is no pre-determined programme as the musical soiree is created and formed by the participants and listeners during the spontaneous moment of creation of arts.



The team House of Culture is looking forward to receiving numerous registrations for this new format event taking place on Saturday, 06.07.2024 at 7 p.m. in the Spitalkirche in Breisach am Rhein (Marienau 1, 79206 Breisach am Rhein). Everyone who likes to join, no matter whether including or not including an own musical performance is welcome to register via the registration form below and the registration button.


There is no admission fee, donations for the continuation of this new activity are welcome. Bringing food and drinks is highly appreciated, but also those not bringing own food and drinks are welcome to join this event. 

Registration form for participants

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